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The 11th International Expressive Arts Therapy Association Conference – 
The Flowing Tao of Expressive Arts


The 11th International Expressive Arts Therapy Association (IEATA) Conference is being held for the first time in Asia. It is co-hosted by IEATA and Art in Hospital with the theme “The Flowing Tao of Expressive Arts”.


Pre-conference workshops: October 6-7, 2015 at The Hong Kong Jockey Club Bldg. For Interdisciplinary Research, 5-7 Sassoon Rd


Main conference: October 8-10, 2015 at the Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village. 


The 5-day program features over 100 events, including keynote, workshops, agency visits, cultural events, presentation and experiential sessions, open studios, artist projects and performances. There are different platforms for networking, exchange and co-creation. You will learn how to apply expressive arts in individual counseling, group work, community development, and social advocacy through theory, research, and clinical practice. Then you will be able to enhance yourself and others on personal, professional and societal level. If you are interested in applying arts in your work or pursuing your pathway to be an expressive arts therapist/educator, don’t miss this amazing opportunity.


  Conference website  


  Conference facebook page  


  Coordination for overseas travel facebook group  

Bedside Art Workshop Manual

My Photo


"My Photo" catalogue is born!!! It highlights most of the terrific works done by our participants and their valuable experience.

Click  here   to download
Creative Arts Workshop


‘Creative Arts Workshop’ will be held at Paediatric out-patients ward 

during July to Auguet in 2016.


Kwai Chung Hospital (2:25-5pm)

28 July

4, 11, 18 & 25 August



Prince of Wales Hospital (2-5pm)

17, 24 & 31 August


Hospital Gallery Exhibition

(Queen Elizabeth Hospital)


Creative Arts Workshop - Exhibition


Hospital Gallery Exhibition

(Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital)


Reach for the HeART- Art Workshop Exhibition


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