Workshop & Supervision sessions
by Kate Donohue
藝術在醫院很榮幸能夠邀請知名的表達藝術治療師Dr. Kate Donohue主持一日工作坊及督導環節,詳情請見下方資訊。如有興趣,請於3月5日前報名。機會難得,切勿錯過!
Full day workshop
【Marriage of Jungian Psychology and Expressive Arts for Emotional Healing】
Date: 8 April 2025 (Tue)
Time: 9:30am - 5:00pm (Lunch & tea included)
Stewards High Rock Centre (102 Sha Tin Tau Village, Sha Tin)
Language: English
Workshop fee: HKD $1500
Enquiry:enquiry@aih.org.hk or 2824-6188 (Ms. Chau)
Please download the poster for more details.
Application (Deadline: 5 March 2025)
Supervision session
【The Art of Jungian Expressive Arts Supervision】
Date: 9 April 2025
Time: 2-5pm or 6-9pm
Location: Art in Hospital (L8-07, 8/F, JCCAC, 30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei)
Language: English
Workshop fee: HKD $600
Enquiry: enquiry@aih.org.hk or 2824-6188 (Ms. Chau)
Please download the poster for more details.
Application (Deadline: 5 March 2025)
About Dr. Kate T. Donohue
Kate T. Donohue, Ph.D., REAT, is a licensed psychologist and expressive arts therapist with 45 years of counselling psychotherapy practice. She has taught at California Institute of Integral Studies, Institute for Transpersonal Psychology, JFK University the San Francisco C.G. Jung Institute and many international universities and institutes for over 40 years. She is one of the co-founders of the International Expressive Arts Therapy Association.
Kate integrates her passion of arts into her work, drawing on expertise in visual arts, drama, and dance, particularly West African and Afro-Cuban forms. Her visual arts work in painting and drawing has helped her explore an interest in understanding the sacred feminine. The scope of her work includes a private psychotherapy practice with individuals, adolescents and couples. Additionally, she mentors professionals, provides supervision, and has published in several journals, including Arts and Psychotherapy Journal, San Francisco Jung Library Journal, Encyclopaedia of Creativity and Poiesis Journal.